Dagesh Programs

  • Tutoring - Arranges and hires tutors for talmidim in prominent Yeshivos who are in need of help to keep up with their studies
  • Financial Support - Provides support to families recovering from tragic events
  • Gemach - Offers free short term loans
  • Mussar Chaburah - Develops the understanding of mussar and its application to everyday contemporary life by motivating participants with appropriate rewards for achievement and personal growth
  • Weekend Kollel - Affords Kollel avreichim in Israel an additional opportunity to learn during weekend hours and also earn an extra stipend

    For more information, contact us info@dageshusa.org

Dr. Eric and Gertrude Offenbacher z"l were known throughout the New York and Seattle communities as true Gomlei Chasadim to the highest degree. It is befitting that DAGESH was established in their memory as DAGESH will carry on their legacy by facilitating chesed through its many programs and services.

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DAGESH is a non-profit organization applicant and has not yet been granted tax deductible status